
As most entities, BizBox Customer Services, s.r.o., and Plastkon product s.r.o. use the "cookies" technology to improve the comfort of visitors and users of their Internet pages and electronic shop.

"Cookies" are miniature files consisting of letters and digits strings, which are saved in your computer as you enter a website using this technology. Among others, "cookies" can help the website and e-shop operators identify your person and differentiate you from other visitors and users of these sites and e-shops. "Cookies" CANNOT be used as programme code or to spread computer virus and cannot allow either of the above stated entities to access your hard disc or your data. Even though "cookies" are saved in your computer, we are not able to read/download any data from there.

Data obtained from websites and e-shop by BizBox Customer Services, s.r.o., and Plastkon product s.r.o. using "cookies" technology can be used for the following purposes:

Companies BizBox Customer Services, s.r.o. and Plastkon product s.r.o. do not allow any third parties to place commercial texts on their websites. The above stated companies cannot guarantee and be held liable for any content, incl. of commercial and marketing nature, placed on the webpages of third parties, as well as for any breach of legal provisions, rights or legitimate interests of third parties that occured, or potentially can occur, on webpages of third parties.

As part of the user's consent with using the "cookies" technology, he/she can limit their use only to the first two purposes, as stated above.

Potvrzení souhlasu s tímto dokumentem uděluje návštěvník, resp. uživatel stránek společnosti BizBox Customer Services, s.r.o., se sídlem Roubalova 383/13, Stránice, 602 00 Brno, IČO: 293 76 823, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku Krajského soudu v Brně, oddíl C, vložka 76821 a společnosti Plastkon product s.r.o., se sídlem Hlavní 147, 790 84 Mikulovice, IČO: 633 21 289, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku Krajského soudu v Ostravě, oddíl C, vložka 8269, souhlas na používání technologie „cookies“ a používání údajů získaných prostřednictvím stránek a elektronického obchodu uvedených společností využívajících tuto technologii na každý a všechny účely uvedené výše v tomto dokumentu. Souhlas se uděluje dobrovolně na předem neurčenou dobu a je možné jej kdykoli odvolat.

Consent with using the technology


The data obtained from cookies files will always be processed anonymously and in compliance with the EU 2016/679 (GDPR) regulation.

Further on, we would like to inform you that failure to grant the consent, its revocation and/or disabling "cookies" (in your Internet browser), incl. disabling the Strictly Necessary cookies, can restrict or prevent access to website or functionality of the website or its parts.

The data obtained from cookies files will always be processed anonymously and in compliance with the EU 2016/679 (GDPR) regulation.